Capitalism’s Coercive Nature


During the course of this paper I will be attempting to prove that the modern day capitalist bourgeois-proletariat contract is just as coercive as the “forced taxation” that modern day Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists complain about. I aim to prove that the “agree to this or die” mentality inherent in any profit driven labor contract is no more “just” than the tax man coming to your door telling you to hand over your money. If one works within the framework of the non-aggression principle* and the moral philosophy of Stefan Molyneux in Universally Preferable Behavior then one ought to reject the capitalist bourgeois-proletariat contract as being “unjust” and “another form of coercion”. At this point it must be noted that I do not intend to prove that coercion is either a moral or immoral thing, I merely am attempting to prove that bourgeois-proletariat contract is coercive and therefore is immoral under the framework laid out by modern Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists. The issue of an apriori ethical framework shall be in a later post, this one is building off existing frameworks.

I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.       -Eugene V. Debs[1]

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The American War Machine


There are a ton of articles written that purport to explain why the United States and subsequently NATO got involved in specific quagmires around the world. While these articles are wonderful in explaining the United State’s posture on specific countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan, they fail to weave these discrete events into the overall fabric of the United State’s hegemonic role in the world. During the course of this paper I will argue that following World War II the United States’ active role in the world-which manifests itself in the toppling of regimes and the support of apartheid-is not out of a love of “democracy” or “freedom”, but rather is part of the ungodly melding of neo-liberalism and neo-conservationism’s goal for United States hegemonic domination. Throughout this paper I will argue that the major wars of the second half of the 20th century fought by the United States, from the Cold War proxy wars to the Iraq war to the proposed war on Iran to name a few, are not discrete pieces of data. Nay, they are points on a continuous line drawn by the United States government which ends with the permanent imperialistic, hegemonic status of the American empire.

I believe – though I may be wrong, because I’m no expert – that this war is about what most wars are about: hegemony, money, power and oil.                                                                                                      -Dustin Hoffman[1]

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Before I begin I want to say a few things, 1) I know I haven’t written anything in a while but I am very busy but I will hopefully have a new post out soon and 2) I know this is after the fact but I will still talk about it.

Of course 9/11 is a day of sadness and mourning but it really is rather insignificant compared to the amount of death perpetrated by other countries at various times in history. For example, from 1948-2009, there have over 14,000 people killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and guess what? [1] The Jews of Israel face this type of terrorism every single day! It is amazing how meek the 9/11 attacks were in comparison, the September 11th attacks killed around 3,000 people. While that is terrible it is nothing compared to the amount caused by conflict of religious land. And what of the genocide in Darfur, or Uganda, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo? The list goes on. The point is that the 9/11 attacks were just so insignificant in the grand scheme of things yet we make it out to be something worthy of invading 2 foreign countries and commit war crimes all so we can have our bloody vengeance. If that was how the world worked there should have been multiple global nuclear wars to make up for the loss of life in the aforementioned genocides.
As to our intervensionalism: I find it sadly ironic that one of the primary motives of the attacks was that

 …the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, U.S. support of Israel and sanctions against Iraq.[2]

pissed them off yet we proceeded to invade 2 more countries! It’s insane. But anyway, that is the end of my tirade. Good day.



1: “Wars Since 1900.” The Poly-national War Memorial . N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2011. <>.
2: “September 11 attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2011. <>

The Case Against the Death Penalty

There has been an odd resurgence in the debate for and against the death penalty and I would like to take part. What follows will be my case against the death penalty, the basic premise of which is that the death penalty is more costly than life without parole and simply does not help anything.

Point 1: Cost.

To prove that death penalty cases are much more expensive then life without parole I will provide evidence from California, Kansas, Tennessee and Maryland.

California: Switching from the death penalty to life without parole could save California over $1 billion over the next few years![1] Also, in California, the cost of a death row prisoner is $90,000 more than regular incarceration.[1]

Kansas: A death penalty case in Kansas is over 70% more expensive than life without parole.[2] Also, the median cost of a death penalty case is $1.2 million whereas the median cost of incarceration is $700,000.[2]

Tennessee: Death penalty cases in Tennessee cost an average of 48% more than life imprisonment costs.[2]

Maryland: Death penalty cases costs about $3 million in Maryland.[2]

With the above evidence one can see that, if only the cost is looked at, the death penalty is massively more expensive than life without parole.

Part 2: Deterrence.

Here proponents of the death penalty argue that it has the effect of deterring would-be murderers but if one looks at the data regrading homicide rates in death penalty states/non-death penalty states, a clear trend emerges. The death penalty serves NO deterring effect.

According to, states without the death penalty have had, from 1990 until 2009 (that is all the data that is given), a homicide rate difference of more than 4% and sometimes as high as 44%! For example, in 2009 the murder rate in states with the death penalty was 5.26 whereas states without the death penalty had a murder rate of 3.90! Here is a graph from the site:[3]

Another key thing is the fact that in 1972 the US government stopped all state killings until 1976. Now while it is true that the murder rates rose during this time of prohibition, they continued to rise to record highs even after the death penalty was reinstated thus contradicting the claim that the death penalty serves as a deterrent.[4]

Use of the death penalty in a given state may actually increase the subsequent rate of criminal homicide. In Oklahoma, for example, reintroduction of executions in 1990 may have produced “an abrupt and lasting increase in the level of stranger homicides” in the form of “one additional stranger-homicide incident per month.” Why? Perhaps because “a return to the exercise of the death penalty weakens socially based inhibitions against the use of lethal force to settle disputes…. “[5]

Thus with the aforementioned evidence being shown, no one can honestly say that the death penalty serves any deterrent effect.

Point 3: Innocence. 

One of the biggest fears regarding the death penalty is the fact that an innocent person could be put to death just as easily as a guilty one whereas life without parole means that the person could be released if they were proven innocent rather than them just being dead and that’s that. There are numerous cases where people have been accused, convicted and sentenced to death for capital crimes but were just barely saved in the nick of time with a reversal. Of these are: Samuel Poole, James Creamer, Dale Johnston, Jay Smith, James Robison, Muneer Deeb, Andrew Golden, Clarence Smith, Joseph Burrows, Adolph Munson, Robert Charles Cruz, Rolando Cruz, Alejandro Hernandez, Sabrina Butler, Verneal Jimerson, Dennis Williams, Roberto Miranda, Gary Gauger, Troy Lee Jones, Carl Lawson, Ricardo Aldape Guerra (info on them can be found in footnote 6) and the list goes on. The point being that there are many cases of people being let go in the nick of time whilst many others being put to death. We have no way of knowing how many innocent people have been killed but just knowing the huge numbers of people who have been let go after they were sentenced to death makes one wonder as to the number. Further Reading

Point 4: Cruelty. 

The death penalty is flat out cruel for numerous reasons. First off, hanging is still utilized in 3 states and with hanging comes the inherent possibility for mess ups. The drop must be just right or the person has an agonizing death or has their head ripped off. Here a proponent of the death penalty will argue that electrocution is a humane way to kill someone but this is just not the case. For starters it is unknown how long a person is conscious whilst being electrocuted which shows that there is a huge possibility for inhumane treatment.[5] Here is a quote regarding the electrocution of John Evans in 1983:

“At 8:30 p.m. the first jolt of 1900 volts of electricity passed through Mr. Evans’ body. It lasted thirty seconds. Sparks and flames erupted … from the electrode tied to Mr. Evans’ left leg. His body slammed against the straps holding him in the electric chair and his fist clenched permanently. The electrode apparently burst from the strap holding it in place. A large puff of grayish smoke and sparks poured out from under the hood that covered Mr. Evans’ face. An overpowering stench of burnt flesh and clothing began pervading the witness room. Two doctors examined Mr. Evans and declared that he was not dead.[7]

(He had to be shocked 3 times until he was actually killed. Humane? I think not!)
Again, a proponent could say that the lethal injection is more humane but the evidence regarding it’s humaneness is inconclusive. The US Court of Appeals said this regarding the lethal injection:

“substantial and uncontroverted evidence… that execution by lethal injection poses a serious risk of cruel, protracted death…. Even a slight error in dosage or administration can leave a prisoner conscious but paralyzed while dying, a sentient witness of his or her own asphyxiation.” (Chaney v. Heckler, 718 F.2d 1174, 1983).[5]

There have also been reports of drug users being stabbed randomly because their veins could not be found (due to frequent use of illicit drugs)[5]

Thus, if one looks at the evidence cleanly, it is easy to see that the death penalty is in no way humane.

Point 5: Conclusion. 

Of course I could point to more cost statistics or more numbers for deterrence. I could pull more names out of quote more sources but I feel that my job here is done. Judging by all the evidence presented it is not difficult to see that the death penalty helps nothing, costs too much and is simply too inhumane and risky for it to be utilized in our [somewhat] civilized nation any longer.



1: “Death Penalty : The High Cost of the Death Penalty.” Death Penalty. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 July 2011. <>.
2:“Death Penalty Cost | Amnesty International USA.” Amnesty International USA | Protect Human Rights. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 July 2011. <>.

3: “Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates | Death Penalty Information Center.” Death Penalty Information Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2011. <>.
4: “United States Crime Rates 1960 – 2009.” The Disaster Center – Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2011. <>

5:  “The Case Against the Death Penalty – Cons, Anti Death Penalty Arguuments | American Civil Liberties Union.”American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2011. <>.
6: “Innocence and the Death Penalty: The Increasing Danger of Executing the Innocent | Death Penalty Information Center.” Death Penalty Information Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2011. <>
7: “The Case Against the Death Penalty – Cons, Anti Death Penalty Arguuments | American Civil Liberties Union.”American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2011. <>.

Were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?

“Japan was already defeated and dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary.” Who’s words are these you may ask. As Robert Freeman says, “Those are not the words of a latter-day revisionist historian or of a leftist writer. They are certainly not the words of an American-hater. They are the words of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and future president of the United States.”1

There has been no military action that has been met with as much criticism than the decision to drop two atomic weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During the course of this post I will be debunking the reasons given from dropping the bombs as well as showing why it was inherently a bad idea.

The main reason that was given for the neccesitiy of the bombing was the belief that Japan would not surrender. This may have been true for the troops themselves but this was certainly not the position held by the government. Japans Commanders of War, the Big Six, had been discussing peace agreements with the Soviet Union for months whilst still saying they would fight to the death.2 The Japanese had been defeated already with the destruction of their navy and the loss of the sea around Japan, the fact that we controlled the air above Japan and the fact that we had been firebombing some of their major cities. They had no means of getting supplies into the country thus it is safe to say they were already defeated. Their army was decimated. Many top military commanders regarded the Japanese position as “hopeless”1 as well as saying [they] “…were already defeated and ready to surrender”.1 

The next claim that is made in favor of the bombings is the ludicrous notion that they “saved American lives by preventing a land invasion”. If one does not delve deeper into this it may sound convincing but after one looks at the facts here it is easy to see that this is false. First off, the Japanese had already lost most of their army on the islands around Japan and they were, as shown above, essentially defeated. In fact, the USSBS (US Strategic Bombing Survey) said, “Certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped.”3 “The November 1 date is important because that was the date of the earliest possible planned U.S. invasion of the Japanese main islands.”1 This combined with the fact that Japan had been trying to surrender-conditional surrender*-meant that there was absolutely no need for the atomic weapons. 

The first and most obvious reason why the atomic bombings were bad is because they killed over 200,000 innocent civilians as well as leaving thousands more wounded. Next off, the liver cancer rate in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the highest in the world!4 This is over 60 years later! The rate of other types of cancer has also been greatly increased. Cancer rates have increased from 217 to 301 out of 100,000 in males and 176 to 197 out of 100,000 in females.4 (This is during a year) The highest cancer rate in males in the US is 163 out of 100,000 and for females, 113 out of 100,000, a massive difference!5

The next and probably the most important reason to us is the fact that the atomic bombings really started the Cold War. Even before the bombings the US and the USSR had great distrust that was magnified by the fact that we showed our dominance by developing a weapon that could destroy an entire town first. Once the USSR saw that we had this technology they felt threatened and thus the Cold War began.

So in conclusion, one can see that many top military generals were against the bombings as well as the fact that as new information has come to light we see that the bombings served no strategic military purpose and were only used to assert America’s dominance. 



*As stated above Japan wanted a conditional surrender whereas the US had a policy of unconditional surrender. We knew they would surrender conditionally yet our policy dictated we ignore that. the truth is not that Japan ignored our “pleas” for surrender but quite the contrary. We knew they wanted to surrender yet we said no. 

1: Freeman, R. (2006, August 26). Was the Atomic Bombing of Japan Necessary?. Common Dreams . Retrieved May 14, 2011, from

2: 1945., & Pacific, t. J. (n.d.). Surrender of Japan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 14, 2011, from

3: Hiroshima: Quotes. (n.d.).Hiroshima: Was It Necessary? The Atomic Bombing of Japan. Retrieved May 14, 2011, from

4: Cancer incidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan,… [Eur J Cancer. 1994] – PubMed result. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved May 14, 2011, from

5: Cancer Incidence in the United States (SEER), 1987-91. (n.d.) Retrieved May 14, 2011, from